Sunday, February 27, 2011

9 Months Old

Yet again, another month has flown by, and Mason is now 9 months old!  Hard to believe he's been around as long as I was pregnant with him, and how far he's come.  He is still an absolute joy - just the happiest baby.  He is still sleeping 11-12 hours at night, and is a great napper.  He loves his crib so much that when it's time for a nap he doesn't even want to be rocked or cuddled - as soon as we take him into his room he's reaching for his crib, where he uses his monkey "lovey" to cuddle, chat, and put himself to sleep.  And he wakes up with a huge smile on his face ready to play and EAT. 
He eats EVERYTHING - he's on all kinds of baby foods, and also loves grapes, cherries, blueberries, bread & butter (Gigi's contribution), cheese, black beans, rice, cereal, peas, chicken, turkey...the list goes on & on.  He can feed himself which makes going out to dinner so great - put him in the high chair and he is in heaven as we feed him little pieces of food from our plates.  Meal time is definitely his favorite.
He is starting to scoot, but is not crawling yet which is totally fine by us - so great that we can still leave him somewhere for a minute and when we come back he's still there.  He loves to stand and can hold himself up for a few minutes at a time, but we're trying to encourage him to crawl some before he walks.
He also talks all day long, and his "words" are getting better.  Bababa has turned into bla bla bla, etc.  We are constantly working towards "mama" and "dada".  He knows how to wave and clap (well it's an air-clap), and think "hi" or "bye" may be one of his first words.  He also loves to case you haven't seen any old posts :)
Size-wise he's gotten so big, and is actually in 12-month tops.  This makes us so happy, since he was so scrawny for so long.  We go for his 9-month appointment next week, I'm interested to see how much he weighs, and if he's bumped up in percentiles or not.  Don't get me wrong, he's still pretty small, but you should see that root beer belly!
All in all, life is great and it keeps getting better.  He's so easy that I am actually at a place where I can imagine us having another :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this post and the fact that you may be ready for another makes me really excited! hehe He is a cutie...I feel like it has been SO long since i have seen him in person! Amazing how much little ones grow.
