Thursday, March 24, 2011

10 Months!

Yes, another month has gone by, and Mason is now 10 months old!  Life just gets better and better - for us and for him!  He is still such a joy, so happy and almost never fussy.  He's starting to crawl everywhere - still more of an army crawl but he's getting stronger every day and practices being up on all 4s.  He also loves to walk around holding our hands, and although he's still very unstable, he can stand holding on to the side of the couch or coffee table for a few minutes at at time, and is starting to move around like that.  He LOVES to eat, and is pretty much eating anything/everything we put in front of him.
Hard to believe in 2 months we'll be celebrating his first birthday!

Here's our 10 month photo shoot - as you can see, it's getting harder and harder to get him to sit still with Blue and Pooh, and he totally cracks me up as he throws around his sign.

 This one cracks me up - in case you can't tell, that's the paper flying through the air on the left.  Mason has just chucked it as far as he can.

Oh and in case you didn't notice his awesome shirt, check out these gators!

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