Monday, May 23, 2011


One year ago today, mine & Tristan's lives changed forever.  At 3:33am on May 23, 2010, after over 32 hours of labor, a dropping heart rate (Mason's), rising blood pressure (mine), 45 minutes of pushing, and one umbilical cord wrapped completely around his body (including 3x around his neck), Mason Harrison McCoy joined our little family.

At 5 lbs, 15 oz and 19.25 inches Mason was our little peanut.  Born only a week early, we have no clue why he was so tiny, but he was!  And he stayed tiny for many months to follow.  I remember leaving the hospital with him and Tristan saying, "I kept looking in the rear view mirror as we pulled away from the hospital, because we had no clue what to do with a little baby, and I couldn't believe they were letting us take him home with us!"

Over the last year we have fallen more and more in love with this little guy.  He has the sweetest personality, and is so laid back just like his daddy.  We were so lucky to have such an easy first baby - no colic, no allergies, barely fussed.

It has been so fun to watch his personality develop over the past year.  In typical first-child fashion, he is happiest when the attention is on him and someone is playing with him.  

He loves to be outside, whether it's a walk in the stroller, a trip to the park, a ride in his car, or simply walking around the yard exploring.

Much to his daddy's slight annoyance, he is 100% a mama's boy.  These days he is known to crawl across the entire house to get to his mama...and I'm not going to lie, I love it.

In case you don't know me or Tristan well or haven't seen us in a while, he has brown eyes and mine are hazel.  We're not sure where these gorgeous baby blues came from, but boy do I love them so!

We're not sure why Mason took so long to gain weight, but the little peanut didn't hit 10 lbs till he was about 5 months old.  This all changed when Mason discovered "real" food.  He has turned into an eating machine - as of about a month ago he eats everything we eat.  So far he hasn't met a meal he didn't like!

We recently moved a few houses away from Tristan's sister, brother in law and our two nieces. Mason LOVES his cousins...we can't wait for #3!

As for milestones, Mason is almost walking, although we think he's got a few more weeks till it actually happens.  His first word was "HI!", which he says all the time to everyone and anyone passing by. 
He does "how big is Mason", "arms up", "arms down", is starting to do the motions to "Itsy Bitsy Spider", and recognizes/points to/demonstrates/signs tons of other words - Mason, mama, dada, milk, eat, more, bath, fan, ball, nose, ears, dance, kick, splash, bounce, clap, mouth, belly, monkey, alligator and dog to name a few.

Long story short, we are so in love with our little man.  We can't believe he's already been with us for a whole year, yet we can barely remember our lives before he was in it.  He's forever changed our lives for the better, and we can't wait for what the many years to come have in store for us all. 

Birthday pictures to come soon :)

1 comment:

  1. Amazing all that can happen in a year :) Hope the next one is even better! xxoo
